Thursday 12 April 2012

Chapter 12: Echo [Part 3]

At this very instant, reality reigned supreme once again. It had seemed that through this great puppeteer, the almighty human mind had been played into an illusion, or rather, a surreal experience created from within. Eyes opened. Nerves settled. Muscles relaxed. The great master himself set himself at ease and turned to face the crowd that he had enthralled. A million thoughts flashed through his mind but yet his ultimate feeling must have been one of utter joy. The smiles, glowing in the dark chamber hall was simply priceless.

He stood up, and took a nervous bow, with his eyes not meeting the gaze of awe and envy from his peers. Applause all around, of course. Who would have the sheer audacity of denying such a great pianist his rewards of recognition and appreciation? As he took each step away from the grand piano, his eyes searched all around for the familiar face that very much paralleled his. The same deep blue eyes. Thick, rich and curvy golden locks. Suddenly, two outstretched arms caught him. They wrapped tightly around his waist and he felt a soft touch just above his shoulders.

'You did well.' A soft feminine voice whispered tenderly into his ears.

'Thank you.' He turned around and gently pecked her softly on her cheeks. 

A friend. A companion. A wife. All of such was she. But he lacked that final sense of belonging that had been absent within him. His chest heaved as he sighed heavily.

'Its Remus isn't it?'

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