Monday 20 February 2012

Chapter 10: Expulsion [PART1]

Thunder it must have been, for the sudden inclusion of noise in the room had startled everyone. Their necks craned towards the source, as if they had eyes that could see through the sheer solidity of the door standing in their way.

'Who is it?' Ethan instinctively questioned as he peered nervously back at the pool of blood that by now had flown from the kitchen to the living room, staining the fine marble flooring.

An unsatisfactory answer was given in its cruelest form.

'Who is it?' He asked again.

A creak, and then the screech of metal scraping metal as daylight entered the cold room gradually as the door opened. Shadows of neighbouring houses formed within the house and the smell of industrialisation filled their nostrils. However, it was a rather odd (and partially ridiculous) time to play host to a female guest.

Pedigree, was the first adjective that the gents could keep synonymous with her well-groomed and polished appearance. Bright red lips. Deep blue eyes. Long gold locks. Sparkling black dress of satin. It was as if Algaea herself had been personified into a mortal form. The bright colours that adorned her skin resembled a painting, a masterpiece of sheer magnificent beauty that would have even been able to give life to the dead. Suddenly, the room wasn't so dreary anymore.

'Hello.' She said simply. Her voice clearly nonchalant to the happenings that filled the room barely an hour ago.

' are?'

'Im Serena. Serena Kelly.'

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